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Illustration: Fantasy

A bestiary of imaginary creatures I hope to grow over time

The butterfly hunter


The hunter of butterflies, on the days that he does not hunt, he goes for walk through on the meadows and spends hours watching.
Never the less, he always carries his net, because you must never go out unprepared.
Do not worry, he just does sport hunting. He hunts them, he studies them, he admires them, he loves them, he says something nice to their ear, in that silent language butterflies speak, and then he releases them.
Some butterflies return to live in his beard, because they likes poems so much.
Others, wilder ones, return to the trees and the backs of horses and elephants, because they enjoy the fresh air better.


Art and text by Emmanuel Cerino

The Foot Bug


And on the shelves of this museum, ancient as magic itself, there are hundreds of strange creatures, some with more parts than we would think correct, others with less.
But of all the species conserved there, one stood out. There, frozen in the surprise pose with which he was captured, there, in that showcase, there was a foot bug.
Called this way -also- by its large lower extremities, the foot bug has the peculiarity of clinging to the ankles of its prey with a stony tenacity. For this it has two very long arms and strong and rough fingers.
The most interesting of all is that whoever wears it on his ankles, could not notice his presence, due to the soft (but effective) grip that his arms allow him to perform.
One could only notice it when looking down and watching the foot carefully. But due to the taste that this species has developed for speed, they generally go unnoticed.
There is no known side effect of contact with a foot bug. They are only interested in being taken from one place to another, and because people who run fast usually travel in a hurry – and therefore do not pay much attention to their feet, but to what lies ahead – they are almost never discovered.


Art and text by Emmanuel Cerino

The Photophagus


"Is it a particle? ... Is it wave?" thinks the photophagus while he swallows his delicious snack.
Hundreds of eyes crown his head, organs destined for sadness because once the photophagus has finished the task for which it appeared in this universe; owner of eyes perfectly capable of seeing, in a world where he himself will have swallowed up to the last beam of light, there will be darkness.
Terrible food, uncontrollable appetite. Its lack of mass makes photons never satisfying to his appetite. As if the air tasted like chocolate.
The photophagous will never feel satisfied and when he has finished his task he will sit down to see nothing, to swallow nothing.


Art and text by Emmanuel Cerino

Future series

The gang plans to escape

Little Dragon

The wizard cat

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